Configuring the AutoUpdate task
To update DAT files and scan engines automatically for all McAfee products, you must configure the AutoUpdate properties and schedule.
For option definitions, click ? or Help on the tab.
- To access the AutoUpdate properties use:
- ePolicy Orchestrator 4.5 or 4.6 — Click Menu | Systems | System Tree and select Client Tasks.
Note: Refer to the McAfee ePolicy Orchestrator 4.5 Product Guide for detailed instructions on creating a new scheduled client task.
- ePolicy Orchestrator 4.0 — Click Systems | System Tree | Client Task and select an existing update task or to create a new task, click New Task.
Note: Refer to the McAfee ePolicy Orchestrator 4.0 Product Guide for detailed instructions on creating a new scheduled client task.
- VirusScan Console — Select an existing update task (right-click and select Properties), or create a new task (select Task | New Update Task, select the new task in the list).
Tip: When you create a new client task, we recommend renaming the task with a descriptive name.
- ePolicy Orchestrator 4.5 or 4.6 — Click Menu | Systems | System Tree and select Client Tasks.
- Specify the log file location and format.
- Configure whether to get newer DATs, newer engine, and other available updates such as service packs, and product upgrades.
- Specify which executable to run after the update task has completed and whether to run it only after a successful update.
- Click Schedule to configure when and how often the task should run. Refer to, Using scheduled tasks for details.
- Click Update Now, the task runs immediately.